Choose Maple Ridge - Support Local

Shop Local

Support Local BC is an initiative created to support independent businesses in local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic by selling gift certificates.
How the Program Works
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have created a website to allow customers to purchase gift
certificates for local, independent businesses in British Columbia. This helps us support our community, encourage social distancing, and will allow businesses to maintain some cash flow while we tackle this incredibly difficult situation.
How the Gift Certificate Process Works
The buyer gets an order confirmation email which has a unique order number and also serves as their gift certificate. This includes the business name and the amount. The buyer will print it off and bring it to you (once we're in the clear from the pandemic). On the back end, you will have access to our business portal powered by Duoplane to manage and redeem gift certificates in real-time. You do not need to issue your own gift certificates. It would be best to keep track of the balance for partially redeemed gift certificate through the business portal. We use a service called WayPay to send weekly direct deposit payments for the gift certificates sold in the previous seven days. Please note: There is no charge to your business - you will receive the full value of the gift certificates purchased.
BC Marketplace
Support small businesses by finding gift ideas, products and services in the BC Marketplace.
Have you had a particularly great experience with a local business lately? Maybe a menu item was particularly tasty at a restaurant, maybe a local grocery store went above and beyond to make sure you felt safe shopping in their store, or maybe a local vendor made a curbside pickup exceptionally convenient? Whatever the case may be, here’s your chance to give them a shout out. Just make a post describing your good experience and use the hashtag #shoutoutMapleRidge and we’ll share your experience on our Facebook page. Don’t forget to include the business’ name and website.
Shop Local Business Highlights
Have you purchased exceptional produce from a local farmer? Did you have a great take-out experience from a local restaurant? Maybe you used one of the many curb-side product pickups that businesses have been offering and were impressed with the level of service you received. We want to share photos and stories of creative ways that resident’s have been accessing their favourite restaurants, services, and goods. These submissions will be shared to drive business and strengthen the local business community during a time when it needs it .
Are you a business owner that would like to be highlight what your business is doing during this time to stay open,or if you are a resident that would like to submit a photo and brief description of a positive Shop Local Pitt Meadows story, send to and have your business and/or experience featured on The City of Pitt Meadows social media channels and webpage.